Episode Transcript
[00:00:00] Speaker A: Well, good evening, everybody. We're about to get started here. As much as I love hearing the rowdy sounds of children, we're gonna focus a little bit, and I 100% mean that I love the sound of rowdy children.
Thank you for being here tonight. It wouldn't be a social without you, and it wouldn't be a pie social without pies. So I'm glad we got both of those things here. It is wonderful to come together and to be able to do this where we get together and just for the purpose of giving thanks and singing just praises to our Lord. It's just an awesome continuation of what we got to do this morning together as we came together to worship and to grow in our understanding of who he is.
You're pointing at something, but I can't tell you. Want me to pray? Tom's got something. That's who you're pointing at. He told me about Tom, and I remember now. You ready, Tom? Thanks, buddy.
[00:01:05] Speaker B: Good evening, everyone.
I'm thankful that you all took time out this evening to be here. It's a special time when we assemble together to give thanks to the Lord. We work on that as individuals and in our homes. And to be thankful as a church family is important to us as well.
The Bible has a lot to say about being thankful and expressing our thanks to God. I'm going to read two verses from Colossians 3, verses 16 and 17, where Paul says, let the word of Christ dwell richly in you, teaching and admonishing one another in all wisdom, singing psalms and hymns and spiritual songs with thankfulness in your hearts to God. And whatever you do in word or deed, do everything in the name of the Lord Jesus, giving thanks to God the Father through him. That's kind of our theme for the evening, that as we are mindful of God's goodness, we will be thankful for that, because we know all good things originate with Him.
Gratitude results from setting our eyes on the giver of all good gifts.
All good gifts originate with the Lord.
He defines what's good, and we rejoice in that as he's called us to a place of honor in his kingdom, redeeming us from the path of destruction, saving us from an eternity in hell, and instead blessing us with an eternity with Him. Nothing better than that. And for that, we give our greatest thanksgiving to God. So let's bow our heads together for a moment of prayer. O Heavenly Father, you indeed are our gracious God, our good shepherd, our protector and our provider.
And you and you alone are worthy of Our praise, worthy of our thanksgiving, worthy to be praised in all things are you, O God. And we ask that you would instruct our hearts this evening as we worship you, as we receive further instruction from your word. That we would cultivate a growing gratitude for you day by day. Honoring you, praising you, thanking you.
And Lord, I thank you that we can assemble here in freedom.
What a joy that is. Many of our brothers and sisters don't have that. So we thank you for that blessing here.
Please bless our evening. I ask in the name of our wonderful Savior, Jesus.
[00:03:52] Speaker C: Amen.
[00:03:52] Speaker A: If you'd like to stand with us while you sing, or just sing where you're sitting, that's okay with us.
[00:04:11] Speaker D: This is the day you have made.
Whatever comes, I won't complain.
My hope is in your name now your joy awaits my praise.
Give thanks for all you have done.
I will sing of your mercy and your love. Your love is unfailing, Lord, I am grateful.
When I was down, you brought me out and set my feet on higher ground.
So here I stand.
You are my God, your faithfulness, my solid rock.
Give thanks for all you have done.
And I will sing of your mercy and your love. Your love is unfailing, Lord, I am grateful.
I give thanks for all you have done.
Don't forget all the battles you have won. For your love is unfailing, Lord, I am grateful.
And as we lift our hands, the heavens open.
Heavens open.
So let our lives declare the love our God has spoken over us.
And as we lift our hands up. Heavens open, heavens open yet so let our lives declare, the love of God has broken over us.
Give thanks for all you have done.
And I will sing of your mercy and your love. Your love is unfailing, Lord, I am grateful.
Give thanks for all you have done.
Don't forget all the battles you have won. Your love is unfailing, Lord, I am grateful.
[00:07:27] Speaker A: Amen.
Come, let us worship our king.
[00:07:36] Speaker D: Come, let us worship our king.
Come, let us bow at his feet. He has done great things.
See what our Savior has done.
See how his love overcomes. He has done great things.
He has done great things.
A hero of heaven, you conquered the grave. You free every captive and break every chain. O God, we have done great things. We dance in your freedom. Awaken alive, O Jesus, our savior. Your name lifted high. O God, you have done great things.
You've been faithful through every storm, you'll be faithful forever more.
You have done great things.
And I know you will do it again.
For your promise is yes and amen you will do great things, God, you do great things.
O hero of heaven, you conquer the grave, you free every captive and break every chain. O God, you have done great things. Be dancing your freedom, Awaken the light, O Jesus, our Savior, your name lifted high. O God, you have done great things.
Hallelujah. God above it all, hallelujah. God, unshakable, Hallelujah. You have done great things.
Hallelujah. God above it all, hallelujah. God unshakeable, hallelujah. You have done great things.
You've done great things.
O hero of heaven, you conquered the grave, you free every captive and break every chain. O God, you have done great things. We dance in your freedom. Awaken the light, O Jesus, our Savior, your name lifted high. Oh God, you have done great things, you have done great things, oh God, you do great things.
[00:11:07] Speaker B: Amen.
[00:11:32] Speaker E: Oh, your mercy never fails me.
All my days I've been held in your hand.
From the moment that I wake up, until I lay my head, I will sing of the goodness of God.
I love you Lord.
Oh, your mercy never fails me.
All my days I've been held in your hands.
From the moment that I wake up, until I lay my head, I will sing of the goodness of God.
All my life you have been faithful.
[00:12:43] Speaker D: All my life you have been so, so good.
Every breath that I have.
[00:12:56] Speaker E: I will sing of the goodness of God.
I love your voice, you have led me through the fire in darkness now you were close like no other.
I've known you as a father, I've known you as a friend and I have lived in the goodness of God.
[00:13:38] Speaker D: All my life you have been faithful.
All my life you have been so, so good.
With every breath that I am able.
[00:13:58] Speaker E: I can sing of the goodness of God.
Your goodness is running after, it's running.
[00:14:12] Speaker D: After me.
[00:14:15] Speaker E: Youe goodness is running after, it's running after me.
When my life laid down, Surrender now.
[00:14:26] Speaker D: I give you everything.
[00:14:31] Speaker E: You, goodness is running after Is running after me, you.
[00:14:37] Speaker D: Goodness come, you, goodness is running after, it's running after me youe goodness is running after, it's running after me.
[00:14:52] Speaker E: My life laid down, I'm surrender now.
[00:14:56] Speaker D: I give you everything.
[00:15:01] Speaker E: Your goodness is.
[00:15:03] Speaker D: Running out, it's running after me, oh.
[00:15:11] Speaker E: All my life you have been faithful.
All my life you have been so, so good.
With every breath that I am able, I will sing of the goodness of.
[00:15:37] Speaker D: God.
[00:15:40] Speaker E: I will sing of the goodness of God, I will sing of the goodness God I was arrest, I remember who I was, I was lost, I was blind, I was running out of time sin separated.
The breach was far too wide.
From the far side of the chasm you held me in your sight.
So you made a way across the great divine left behind heaven strong to build it here inside there at the.
[00:17:08] Speaker D: Cross we paid the.
For the first time I had hope.
Thank you, Jesus for the blood applied.
Thank you, Jesus has washed me wonder.
Thank you, Jesus, you have saved my life.
Brought me from the darkness into glorious light.
You took my place, laid inside my tomb of sin.
You were buried for three days and you walked right out again. Amen. Now death has no sin and life has no end.
For I have been transformed by the blood of the lamb.
Thank you, Jesus for the blood of life.
Thank you, Jesus has washed me wide.
Thank you, Jesus, you have saved my life.
Brought me from the darkness into glorious light.
There is nothing stronger than the wonder working power of love.
Of love calls the sun, sons and daughters. It was ransom by our father through the love, the love.
There is nothing stronger than the wonder working power of the blood love.
He calls us sons and daughters. We are ransomed by our father through the blood of love.
Thank you, Jesus for the blood of life.
Thank you, Jesus has washed his mind.
Thank you, Jesus, you have saved my life.
Brought me from the darkness into glorious light.
[00:20:53] Speaker C: That's so good.
Children, you're not welcome to go.
I mean, you. No, never mind.
Well, thanks for coming tonight.
It's a great song to sing there. I'm interested. So we sing about the goodness of God, the. The goodness of his salvation in our lives.
What are some things that you're thankful for?
You can say these things out loud. This is a. I would say not call in response, but you know what I mean. What are some things that you're thankful for? And don't say Jesus. And we got that. All right. So we are all thankful for Jesus. Amen. And we are thankful for the blood of the cross. Amen. Thankful for our forgiveness in Jesus. So what. Outside of that, what are some things that you're thankful for?
Family. Good food. Good piano player. Amen.
What else are you thankful for? Yes.
Born into a family that was following Jesus in this country.
Amen. It's great.
Not even at Thanksgiving yet.
What? Good. What are Christian brothers and sisters? Men.
Biblical teaching. Yeah. What are some sisters? I thought you said scissors for a second.
Thoroughly confused for a moment.
Nice. That's great. Yeah. Yeah.
You say money?
Yes. Yes.
Thankful for. Yes, Tom.
Amen. Yep. God's regular grace in our life. Yeah. Yes, Jaden.
Everything that's good, every good and perfect gift is from the father. Yep, yep.
Good stuff.
She'll give you a piece of pie for that after.
That's great. Yep.
Yeah, yeah. Good stuff. Yes.
Oh, that's great. Yep, yep. Yeah. Yes. Faye.
[00:23:16] Speaker D: Friends.
[00:23:16] Speaker C: Friends. Yes. Yeah. Good health. There are so many things like the list can go on and on and. Which it should, shouldn't it? I mean, just continuing to Ephesians chapter 5, verse 19 through 20. I just want to spend a little bit of time looking at a couple stories I ran across and some passages of scripture and really asking a question around Thanksgiving, as we do take some time just to pause all the busyness and all the things going on in our life. One of the things I enjoy about things like this is you don't have an outline, so you don't know if I'm going to go late or if I'm staying on track, which is great.
So anyway, but there is pie afterwards and so you're going to want to leave for that. So I guess I'll keep it shorter than regular Sunday morning. Ephesians, chapter 5 says this, verses 19 through 20 says, sing and make music in your heart to the Lord, always giving thanks to God the Father for everything in the name of the Lord Jesus Christ.
The apostle Paul knew that Thanksgiving shouldn't just be a time of once a year celebration, but rather a daily activity in his life. One of the things Paul and Silas, right? I mean, they get thrown in jail. What are they doing?
Praising God. Are you ever wondering what are they praising God for while that's happening?
Like they're singing, they're rejoicing maybe for the breath that they still have in their lungs, maybe that they're still. That one day they will be released and they're going to be able to engage with other people. Thanksgiving or giving thanks to God for all his blessings should be one of the most decent distinctive marks of the believer of Jesus Christ. One of the most distinctive marks. Not our political leanings, not all the frustrations we have with the country and all of these things, but rather Thanksgiving. I was thinking about this question earlier. Why be thankful? Why does the word of God call us to be thankful? Because both sides, from Genesis to Revelation, we see over and over again people coming to the Lord and saying thank you. And he calls us to be thankful. But why? Really, nothing turns us into bitter, selfish, dissatisfied people more quickly than an ungrateful heart. Just over and over we can be ungrateful. Nothing will do more to restore our contentment, which God calls us to be content people and the joy of our salvation than a thankful spirit even. Sometimes we sing lots of songs about Thanksgiving and I would say even in my own life, I have to think about this. I hope these aren't we come to sing on Sunday morning or during the week. You're singing songs. I hope that's not the only time that we express the level of thanksgiving that we are expressing in those songs. Hopefully it shows up, shows itself in other parts of our life. You know the story. One day, 10 lepers approach Jesus outside of a village, loudly pleading with him to heal them. In an instant, he restores them all to perfect health. All of them. But how many come back to thank him? 1. All the rest they left without thanks, their minds preoccupied with themselves, gripped with what's going to happen when they go back to their own worlds. A spirit of ingratitude really gripped their hearts. They were happy about where they were in life, but they weren't necessarily looking to the person who gave them what they had. Only one went back. And then Jesus says, where are all the rest? I healed everybody else today too. Sadly, in gratitude and thanklessness are far too common. Children for getting thank their parents. Common courtesy and scorn. We're taken for granted many, many times. And all the times we look at the things that God has given us. And at times we'll sing songs about Thanksgiving. But oftentimes, and you know this and I know this, in our prayer life, it can be so easy to list off all the things that we want God to fix. Thanksgiving takes up about this much, and then the requests take up the rest. Why be thankful? Why does God call us to so regularly be grateful to be thankful? Maybe it's this ingratitude one of the answers. Perhaps ingratitude is also a sin, just as surely as lying or stealing or immorality or other sins that are condemned in the Bible. One of the Bible's most clear indictments against a rebellious humanity is that listen from Romans 1. Although they knew God, they neither glorified him or gave thanks to Him. An ungrateful heart is that cold toward God and the work of mercy and love that he's shown. It is a heart that has forgotten how dependent we are on him for everything from one end of the Bible to the other. We see throughout Scripture, sing to the Lord with thanksgiving. Paul wrote, be thankful. A spirit of thanksgiving marks the Christian. So we know that thanksgiving is important to God. We know that it's valuable in our life, but in what ways? So we know it's important. We know Scripture Tells us to be thankful, but in what ways? And I want to answer that question in five parts here. And so you know that when we get to the fifth, then I'll stop. So now you know, I just gave away the end. So firstly, very short.
It keeps us focused. Thanksgiving keeps us focused. When we express thanks, we remind ourselves and others that there are more good things going on in our life than bad things. And sometimes I think we forget that, don't we? There are more good things going on. Sometimes we can get so caught up with things are smooth that I forgot that that's also a gift from God, isn't it? Until something goes poorly or we see something else poorly going on in somebody else's life, then it's like a reflection. We look back almost in a mirror, if you will, going, oh, wait, I don't have that going on in my life. I should be grateful. For example, you might see a picture, especially this time of the year, you might see a picture come in the mail of some children from Africa or something, and they're like, give $10 to help feed the children. And you realize, I haven't had to worry about food for a long time.
And suddenly we're thankful. But it took realizing something like that to remind us that I should be focused on the things that God has granted me. You might be driving down the road and you see a car accident or a flat tire, or somebody has a flat tire on five or whatever, and you realize, I haven't thanked God that I don't have a flat tire right now until I saw somebody with a flat tire or car problems. And then suddenly we are thankful again. It keeps us focused on the reality in our life that there are so many things that God is blessing us with.
Secondly, it keeps us worshiping. When we express thanks, we realize, as all should, that there is someone to be thankful for. Have you thought about that? I'm sure you have. When Thanksgiving comes around, there's people that you're interacting with that don't know Jesus or don't believe in God. You ask the question, so who are you thankful to?
Who's the object of your Thanksgiving?
You're thankful. We can say here today, we are thankful to God, for he's blessed us with all the things. But if we don't believe, if someone doesn't believe in God, what is the who is the object of who they are thankful for? When we look around, the beauty of the world that we live in, the opportunities to have the people that we have, as you all have mentioned the joy that we have, the health that we have, the financial abilities that we have. We can't just chalk it up to fate or to luck, can we? You look at all of that and say it didn't just happen by chance. Even David prays in First Chronicles. He says, wealth and honor come from you. We give you thanks, and we praise your glorious name. Everything comes from you. Revelation 4:11. You know this, perhaps, even from songs that we sing. Worthy are you, O Lord and God, to receive glory and honor and power. For you created all things, and by your will they exist and were created. God knows that not only is he worthy of our praise, but us praising him is good for our souls as well. It keeps our souls healthy when we thank him, even in the midst of hard times. Habakkuk, not a book that we go to often, says this from chapter 317 and 18. I love this passage. Just these few verses. Listen to this. Though the fig tree should not blossom, nor fruit be on the vines, the produce of the olive fail, and the fields yield no fruit, the flock be cut off from the fold, and there be no herd in the stalls. Basically, all things are falling apart in your life and you're wondering, will I ever have security again? Yet I will rejoice. Can you say rejoice? I will rejoice. I will take joy in the Lord. I will take joy in the God of my salvation. This verse shows us that even that God even realizes that hard things happen in our life. And yet. And sometimes we just need to hold onto those two words when hard stuff's going on. And yet God is still here. God is still worth my attention and praise. There's 1.1 and 2.1 as we saw there. It keeps us focused too. It keeps us worshiping as we thank Him. Thirdly, it gives us peace. Gives us peace. You and I don't have to look far to find bad news. I don't watch TV a whole lot, actually, at all. But you can just go on social media now and see a bunch of bad news, can't you? You could just swipe over on your phone or your computer, whatever. News seems to be full of bad news. Why is that? So much of the time? It's not hard to find it. And most of the time, when we see bad news on news things and stuff, does that give you peace?
Most of the time it like, stirs us up. You watch the political landscape. How many of you get peace from watching politics?
Most of us. We get anxious, we get upset, we're frustrated by what we see.
It's natural in the things that we can see around us. And yet when we come back, when we pause and consider all the things that God has blessed us with, our family, the friends, the trans interpretation that we have food, the Bibles, that we're able to have our faith, our country, our community, our church, and so on, the level of peace that can come back over us is so good, isn't it? That's why I love that there's some news outlets out there that just intentionally focus on sharing good news, not just bad news all the time. Philippians 4:4 says, Rejoice in the Lord. How often?
Always. And again I'll say, because we'll forget.
Again I will say what? Rejoice. Let your gentleness be evident to all. The Lord is near. Do not be anxious about anything. Which again, if we're thinking about worship, we're thinking about Thanksgiving giving us peace. Look at how those things are connected. Rejoicing in the Lord.
Do not be anxious about anything. But in every situation, in prayer and petition with thanksgiving, let your requests be known to God. And the peace there again, right? That's the point here. The peace of God, which transcends all understanding, will guard your hearts and your minds in Christ Jesus. By us choosing to come before him and saying, God, I want to be thankful for the things that you've given me. It gives us a level of peace that we can't get from other things that the world has to offer.
Fourthly, it's this.
It keeps us content. It keeps us content.
This is a story I found some years ago.
This is a story not my life, but one that I found in thinking about this. Some years ago, I visited a man who was wealthy and successful. He was the envy of all his friends and business associates. But as we talked, he broke down in tears, confessing that he was miserable inside. Wealth had not been able to fill the empty place in his heart. A few hours later, I visited another man only a short distance away.
His cottage was humble and he had almost nothing in the way of the world's possessions. And yet his face was radiant as he told me about the work he was doing for Christ and how Christ had filled his life with meaning and purpose.
As you might assume, be convinced that this second man was really the rich one, wasn't he?
Although he didn't have much, he learned to be thankful for everything that God had given him. And Paul speaks about this as well. I have learned the secret of being content in any and every situation. Whether I Am well fed or hungry. Whether living in plenty or in want, a spirit of thankfulness makes all of the difference.
I remember being in Africa a couple times and I remember walking the streets every once in a while and just seeing the little shacks that people lived in, the little houses. And it wasn't pretty. I mean, third world country environment, it's not pretty. And I remember just seeing so many faces that were not ones that looked like they were miserable, but there was joy, it was great joy on their faces. And that's the fifth one. By being thankful, it shows us that we truly trust God because it reminds us, as I'm thinking about those faces that I saw, those people that I interacted there, it reminds us that I don't have to be in control of all these things, but I trust the one who is in control of all these things. I was thinking about all these people as we did some like big church services and the group that went to Uganda, I'm sure the same kind of thing. These people walk for hours to get there and you interact with them and it's not, oh man, it's been so long, you have no idea how long I walk. It's not all of the complaining, it's joy that they're able to be a part of worshiping with you, of learning together.
And then you watch as we interact. As I remember even teaching and walking through the word of God with them and they go back to their home and it's not, oh man, I wonder if I'm going to have food tomorrow. Although that question might surely be on their minds.
But when you have an attitude of thanksgiving, you entrust that to God, say he has taken care of me thus far and so I'm going to continue to trust him moving forwards.
I'm going to just read this one verse and then I'll pray and we'll move on and sing a couple more songs. Oh, give thanks to the Lord for he is good, for his steadfast love endures forever. Let's pray.
Jesus, we are grateful for your kindness towards us, towards your mercy towards us each day.
The spiritual relationship that we're able to have with you is not one that we take for granted, but one we can rejoice in this evening as we look at the many things in our own life. As we said earlier, the family that we have around us, the friends, the jobs, the financial resources that we have, the home that we have, the transportation, the list goes on and on, but all of those things, they pass away.
The thing that doesn't pass away. Is our security with you. If we've trusted in you, we know without a shadow of a doubt, Lord, that you will hold us secure. If there's any here today maybe who haven't trusted in you, Lord, I pray that you would help them to lean into you, to thank them for the work of the cross, and also that they would entrust their life to you so they also can rejoice and find great joy in salvation in the security of being held in your hands. As we continue on singing some songs and move on to other things even later tonight and this week, Lord, I just ask that you would keep our eyes open to the many blessings that you have demonstrated in our life. And when an attitude, maybe of ungratefulness comes in onto our minds, onto our faces and to our demeanors, Lord, that you would show us again what it looks like to rejoice, to rejoice. And that would be evident to the people around us. And you would be glorified in that. In Jesus name, amen.
We're going to sing a couple more songs.
Sure. And go from there. So if you like, you can stand. We'll sing some more.
[00:39:35] Speaker D: How could I express.
[00:39:39] Speaker E: All my gratitude?
[00:39:44] Speaker D: I could sing these songs as I often do.
Every song must stay.
[00:39:58] Speaker E: Will never do.
[00:40:02] Speaker D: So I throw up my hands, praise you again and again all that I have is a hallelujah Hallelujah. And I know it's not much nothing else fit for a king except for a heart singing hallelujah Hallelujah.
I've got one response I've got just one move with my arms stretched While I will worship you here So I throw up my hands, praise you again and again all that I have is a highland brewing out Hallelujah.
No, it's not much nothing else before a king for a heart singing hallelujah Hallelujah.
Come on, my soul, don't you go shy on me Lift up your song. You got a lion inside of those lungs get up and praise the Lord.
Come on my soul, don't you get shy on me Lift up your song. You've got a lion inside of those lungs get up and praise the Lord.
Come on, my soul, don't you get shift up your soul. You got a light inside of those lungs get up and praise the Lord Praise the Lord, praise the Lord.
[00:42:58] Speaker E: So let throw up my hands and.
[00:43:01] Speaker D: Praise you again and again.
Cause all that I have is a hallelujah.
Hallelujah. I know it's not much nothing else fit for a king except for a heart singing Hallelujah.
[00:43:39] Speaker A: We have.
[00:43:41] Speaker D: Amen. Good.
[00:43:42] Speaker A: Good God, we usually save this song for, like, New Year's. We're going to play it.
It's for all that you've done.
And it's as a family we go. And I love this song. And I just. I hear a bagpipe whenever I play it, wherever Jonathan's at.
And I hope that you guys, I hope that you remember that we're just. We're one big family, just out there serving God and the life that he's given us.
And it's so cool that we can come from such a varied background and come together and worship the same God.
The same God who sent Jesus to die for you to praise him, regardless of where we came from, because he rescued you from something and we all have that in common.
You are redeemed by the blood of the Lamb, don't forget that.
[00:44:46] Speaker D: Your grace will never be forgot, you, mercy on my life will be my soul's forever song, My story and my life.
From mountain tops to valleys low through laughter and through tears Surely the goodness of my God will follow all the years for all that you have done for us for every battle won we'll raise a song to bless your heart for all that you have done in all our failures and regrets you've always led us home Redemptions on and raise us up try high in the storm for all that you have done for us forever Every battle will raise a song to bless your heart for all that you have done in unity we'll stand as one, as family will go shoulder to shoulder hand in hand into the great unknown for all that you have done for us forever Battle will raise a song to bless your heart for all that you have done.
[00:47:41] Speaker A: Gerald.
[00:47:46] Speaker F: We'll. We'll have a final prayer and then we'll have a couple other instructions for the night. But before we go to that, let's. Let's go to God one more time. Heavenly Father, we thank you.
We thank you, God, we thank you. There is not enough time in our lives that we have to thank you enough for everything you've done for us.
You are such an amazing God. And we, as we come together to worship you and praise you, God, may you be glorified. You are the only one worthy of that praise. And you love us so much and you're willing to give us so much so we can be with you and God, that is.
It's hard to comprehend.
But as we go through our lives and God, as we go to this week where we have A whole day just to celebrate Thanksgiving.
Let's remember it's not just a day, it's an entire lifestyle.
In the life that we live, as we go out into this world, as we watch the panic of the world unfold around us, let us be able to turn to you and say, thank you, God, that I don't have to live like this world does.
And then let's take a moment to say, all right, God, now how do I show other people who you are, too?
Thank you for this church family that we have, that we get to come together for encouragement, that we get to come together to. To sing these songs side by side, arm in arm, hand in hand, knowing that this is the church, your church, here for a purpose, here by design. And as we go and we have food, let us be grateful and thankful for the food that we get to eat, the time we get to spend together, and just the celebration that we have as we sing praise as we hear your word. As we live our lives, God, we say thank you in Jesus name.
[00:49:46] Speaker A: Now remember, so many songs about Christmas.
[00:49:53] Speaker D: Reindeer, the lights and the gifts.
We sing chestnuts are roasting, marshmallows toasting. Here comes old jolly saint.
Now don't get me wrong. Oh, I sure love those songs.
[00:50:11] Speaker A: One holiday gets left out, right, Judith?
[00:50:14] Speaker D: You see, no one remembers a song for November that's gonna stop starting now.
Gobble gobble one gobble gobble two gobble gobble me gobble gobble you Everybody, I Gobble gobble 3 Gobble gobble 4 Gobble gobble Please can I get some more?
Oh, my mic, it's pepper in your belly. Oh, my m. With cranberry jelly oh, my mic. The father singing with me. Happy Thanksgiving.
[00:51:06] Speaker A: You guys ready?
[00:51:09] Speaker D: Six straw in the gravy boat Good. He does the dinner rolls. Stretch your pants. That's how I roll. No judgment here.
Grandma's passed out passing gas. Mom, someone brought a politics name. And everybody just get mad. But you can't be mad when the whole world's singing. Gobble gobble one, gobble gobble two yeah gobble gobble me Gobble gobble you Gobble gobble three gobble gobble for gobble gobble Please can I get some more? Oh, yeah. Oh, my mind with the turkey in the belly oh, my. With the cranberry jelly oh, my Come.
[00:52:01] Speaker E: On and sing it with me Happy Thanksgiving.
[00:52:06] Speaker D: Oh, my ma get the turkey in the belly oh, my ma with the cranberry jelly oh, my ma Come on.
[00:52:13] Speaker E: Bring it with me. Happy Thanksgiving.
[00:52:23] Speaker A: I love you guys, let's go have some pieces.